
Annual Report

“During the first 12 months of establishing the ASC, we have recruited staff, developed an exceptional two year business plan, established strategic partnerships and promoted our expertise and aspirations through various conferences and forums. As directed by the ASC Board, we have been successful in receiving a number of grants important to ensure immediate operations to start building our foundations for the longer term. The grants support our early stages of start-up which have attributed to the acquisition of commercial fishing licences, recruitment of staff, temporary control of the Aboriginal Fishing Mentor Program and ownership of infrastructure and operational assets.”

Exert of the message from our CEO
Bo Carne

To download a copy of the report click here.



“ASC is committed to making investments that contribute to protecting the cultural rights and management of sea country and sacred sites within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) communities.

We aim to provide education, training and mentoring support while investing in new business opportunities in the commercial fishing, seafood, marine, and aquaculture industry. We advocate for the best interests of Indigenous businesses and the sector, support the development of research, government policy, and data collection on the Indigenous sector.”

Exert of Our Mission

To download a copy of the statement click here.

ASC_Capability Statement

Strategic Plan

“To achieve our vision, the ASC Board has identified a number of key strategic priorities for the company to focus its efforts on over the next 10 years. These priorities have been organised into a three-staged approach:

• Year 1 (Foundational Year) – The strategic priorities listed will help ASC to build a solid base or foundation that will strengthen the company’s operating model and set the company up for long-term success.

• Year 2 & 3 (Medium Term) – The strategic priorities listed will focus on developing, planning and embedding more permanent solutions and business opportunities to ensure there is a stable revenue stream.

• Year 4 – 10 (Long-Term) – The strategic priorities listed will focus on providing direction for the company to achieve sustainability and improve its market position in the Australian fishing, seafood, marine and aquaculture industry.”

Exert of bringing the vision to life.

To download a copy of the plan click here.

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, please be aware that this document may contain names and images of deceased persons. We acknowledge and pay respect to our Elders past and present and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.